Paediatric OT Survival Guide

Free Tip Sheet

As Paediatric OT’s we put others first and often forget about ourselves.

The OT Survival Guide is designed to help you:

  • Stop and breathe. Take stock of how well YOU are coping and thriving
  • Stay physically and mentally healthy so you can continue to give to others
  • Stay on track with your self-care needs so you can be the best OT you can be!

Hi, I’m Deb Hopper, The OT Mentor; a seasoned occupational therapist with 25 years experience, providing mentorship and guidance to occupational therapists and allied health business owners. My Therapy Business Mastermind is the place for grounded business and life guidance, and a place to be fully seen and heard as you grow your business and yourself to your full potential.

“Nurturing the growth of occupational therapists as practitioners and entrepreneurs”